Seven Sitters in July - (Trailer)
Created by Susana Matos Allongo, Seven Sitters in July is a web-series inspired by true events that occurred during the summer of 2020.
The story of a woman whose recent suicide attempt has prompted her husband to enlist the help of seven “sitters” comprised of friends and family to care for her while he’s away on a business trip.
This is not only the story of a person working on healing after a suicide attempt, but also about the people surrounding this person, who don't know how to handle the situation because mental health is such a taboo topic. Both parties feel lost and without the proper resources on how to correctly handle this.
Created by: Susana Matos Allongo
Directed by: Susana Matos Allongo, Javier Colon Rios & Eva Gonzalez Szigriszt
- Mela Green
- Carlos Santos
- Shelley Regner
- Ryan Shaughnessy
- Anne Clarke
- Nina Rose Carlin
- Alex Isenberg
- Ron Modro
- Ana Lorena Sanchez
Director Photography: Mecky Creus
Composer: Juan Andres Matos
Music: Ramon Velarde & Lorena Perez Batista
Sound: Ben Michaels
Gaffer: Angel Adonai
Grip: Mextly Couzin
Sound mixer: Iran Garcia
Colorist: Mike Bonner
Special Thanks
Michael Traynor
Sandra Allongo
Angel Matos
HNI Productions
Miguel Rodriguez
Robin Cricket, Kevin & Roscoe
Omar Rivera Abreu