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  • Lili - (w/ English subtitles)

    Un padre e hija tienen que cruzar la frontera para conseguir mejor vida para ellos y su familia. El camino se hace mas difícil porque la hija no puede hablar.

    A father and daughter must cross the border in order to find a better life. However, the journey is made more difficult, because the daug...

  • El Transfer - ¡GRATIS!

    Directed by: Heixan Robles
    Produced by: Zorimar González

    Short Synopsis:
    A guy is suddenly transferred to another country by his boss and
    makes the weirdest changes in his life to adapt to his future

    Un Tipo es repentinamente transferido a otro país por su jefe y
    hace las cosas más...

  • Queso de Cabra - ¡GRATIS!

    In no particular time and space, a family fabricates goat cheese. The Mother and the Daughter pretend to sell the cheese in a lonely road, but they are really selling their bodies. They leave the hard worked cheese to decay in a pile of dirt and rot. The Mother encounters existential desperation ...